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Financial Geeks takes the crown in 2019 KPMG National Business Case Competition

The ZJUteam Financial Geeks clinched first place in 2019 KPMG NationalBusiness Case Competition at Xiamen University on March 2, winning theentrance ticket for the grand final of KICC 2019 - KPMG Innovation & CollaborationChallenge.

This year’s national competition put a greateremphasis on innovation. The participants are asked the question "Whatinnovations would help to empower people in disadvantaged communities to takecontrol of their own health and well-being?"

Taking BGI as its client, FinancialGeeks designed a scheme to improve the welfare of patients of rarediseases, and proposed an innovation of its business model. Relying on big dataand genetic information, the team showed a set of plans to assist diagnosis andtreatment of rare diseases.

As the adviser of the ZJU team, Dr.LIU Qigui from ZJU’s School of Management believed that the team’s strong senseof innovation, collaboration and social responsibility had been the key fortheir success. “I believe the team members have benefited from the University’sdevotion to innovation and entrepreneurship education,” Dr. LIU said. 

REN Yiming, a financial management student in ZJU’s School ofManagement, said that he had been honored to represent ZJU and inspired to wina title. “It has been quite rewarding, to use our knowledge and find out whatwe can do for the disadvantaged groups. I am especially grateful to theprofessors and the School, for the efforts they have made to support us,” hesaid.

REN saidthat he would work even harder to develop professionalism and enhance abilitiesin all respects for the final, which will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina inthe coming month. 

This year,the final ten teams in the national competition are from Zhejiang University,Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Nanjing University,Nankai University, Taiwan Chengchi University, Sun Yat-sen University,Xiamen University and Chinese University of Hong Kong. Student teamsfrom Sun Yat-sen University and Tsinghua University won the 2nd placeand 3rd place respectively.

Editedby: XU Weiqin

Source: School of Management

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