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Apply For 2018 International Student Design Field School


International Student Design Field School

August 27 to September 9 in East Java, Indonesia

The school will look at the complexities of rapid urbanization within uncertain landscapes, through a study the recent rapid modernization of the landscape and community of East Java.

The field school is open to all students of participating APRU universities. The target enrolment is 28 students. They will be required to present the output and findings of the field school during the conference.

Participating students will be able to explore a number of topical sustainability issues, including

  • Migrant labour and changes in gender roles as economic drivers

  • Modernisation through air transportation and digital communication

  • Eco-tourism and environmental conservation

  • Threats and benefits – agriculture and resource extraction

  • Impacts of climate change on coastal communities

  • Desakota as the ultimate rural-urban settlement paradigm

  • Public health and education – as metrics for sustainable communities

  • The School will be led by academic instructors from the Division of Landscape Architecture at HKU, in partnership with local academics, and environmental / social groups in Java and Bali.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

Deadline for applications from ZJU to join the Design Field School is June 11, 2018.

Click Here to Apply.

More infos at:

Office of International Relations, ZJU

International Office, Graduate School

June 6, 2018


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