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The 2024 International Student Graduation Ceremony

Jun 27, 2024

On the afternoon of June 23rd, the 2024 International Student Graduation Ceremony of Zhejiang University was held at the Zijingang Campus. Teachers and students from around the world gathered to celebrate the successful graduation of the class of 2024 international students.Adapted and translated from the article from International College


Whiffenpoofs from Yale University visits Zhejiang University

Jun 17, 2024

On June 10, the Whiffenpoofs from Yale University and the Wenqin Choir from Zhejiang University came together to orchestrate an auditory feast. The event, aquiver with youthful vibrancy and marked by a fusion of Eastern and Western cultures, was hosted in the Golden Hall of the School of Management at Zhejiang University.Source: Zhejiang University


Students from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign participated in the Global Classroom Summer Program at ZJU

Jun 17, 2024

On May 20th, 22 students from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign(UIUC) arrived at the International Campus, Zhejiang University. Together with 8 students from the Zhejiang University, they embarked on a 14-day study journey named the Global Classroom Summer Program.Source: Zhejiang University


Global students forge closer ties in Zhejiang

Jun 07, 2024

Cross-cultural communication is crucial in todays globalized world and is key for China and other countries to understand each other.This was the sentiment shared among students and teachers from the worlds leading higher-education institutions as they gathered in Zhejiang province to compete in the 2024 International Elite Universities Water Sports Open.Source: Zhejiang University


Global classroom international collaboration program kicks off

May 24, 2024

The Global Classroom International Collaboration Program commenced today at International Campus, ZJU. More than 20 students from UIUC,students and faculty from ZJU joined together to embark on a two-week study and research journey.Source: Zhejiang University


From chemical engineering to medical innovation Dr. NI Chujun's academic journey

May 24, 2024

NI Chujun, a 2023 Ph.D. graduate from College of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE), Zhejiang University(ZJU) has recently been appointed as the youngest researcher at the Ophthalmology Center of ZJUs Second Affiliated Hospital. With her innovative work on intelligent shape-shifting polymer materials, she is expected to catalyze significant advancements in ophthalmology. Her academic prowess...


Asian Civilization Week discover the charm of Asia

May 21, 2024

In celebration of the fifth anniversary of Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations and the 127th anniversary of Zhejiang University, the first Asian Civilization Week of Zhejiang University commenced grandly on May 10th at the Zhejiang University Art and Archaeology Museum.Themed Asian Civilizations: Cultural Mutual Learning and Integration, this week-long event encompasses seven key component...


Charting new frontiers the journey of HUANG Rongjie in AI

May 17, 2024

HUANG Rongjie, a 2021 masters student from the School of Software Technology, is one of only ten recipients worldwide of the ByteDance Scholarship. He focuses on core technologies such as artificial intelligence and cross-modal computing. He has published over ten papers as the first author in CCF-A class conferences and has long served as a reviewer for these top journals. During his graduate studi...


GU Chenhui scientific research is a process of self-reflection and collaborative learning

Apr 29, 2024

GU Chenhui, a second-year doctoral student from the School of Medicine, focuses on basic research and technological transformation of naturally derived vesicles in the musculoskeletal system. He has published six papers as the first/corresponding author in high-level journals such as Nature, Nature Nanotechnology, and JACS. He has applied for 17 national invention patents, with three already authori...


The 2nd MUNC for Chinese and International Students ZJU Successfully Held!

Apr 19, 2024

On April 13th and 14th, 2024, the 2nd Model United Nations Conference for Chinese and International Students of Zhejiang University was successfully held on Zijingang Campus. The conference attracted more than 100 Chinese and international students from more than 30 countries.Source:International College


Cinematic bridges exploring Africa with ZHANG Yong

Apr 15, 2024

What is the current state of the TAZARA Railway?How are people-to-people exchanges between China and Africa conducted?How does the younger generation view intercultural issues?ZHANG Yong, a research professor at the College of Media and International Culture at ZJU, answers these questions through his documentary works. He serves as a director, teacher, and scholar of African film and television cul...


“Half-day Librarian” experience at ZJU

Apr 02, 2024

Zhejiang University Library has introduced an innovative initiative called the Half-day Librarian experience, aiming to immerse students and readers in the world of librarianship. This unique program invites participants to assume the roles and responsibilities of librarians, empowering participants to effectively utilize the librarys resources and services.Source:Zhejiang University


ZJU celebrates Spring 2024 Commencement Ceremony

Mar 31, 2024

On the afternoon of March 30, the Zhejiang University Spring 2024 Commencement Ceremony and the Master’s and Doctoral Degree Ceremony unfolded on Zijingang Campus. More than 2,000 graduates, adorned in caps and gowns, were eagerly prepared to embark on their next chapter of life.Source: Zhejiang University


Blooming balconies ZJU’s student gardener cultivates floral oasis

Mar 13, 2024

Students at Zhejiang University enjoy experiencing natural beauty even in the smallest spaces, finding harmony in careful nurturing. Every year, certain balconies in student apartments transform into spectacular gardens, bursting with a riot of colorful flowers that elicit admiration from any passerby.Among the creators of these botanical masterpieces is HAN Xiangyu, a Class of 2024 Master’s studen...

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