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ZJU finishes second in Belt & Road Chengdu-Australian Open University Tennis Championship

Thefirst edition of the Belt & Road Chengdu-Australian Open University TennisChampionship was held in Sichuan International Tennis Center on Nov. 7-11.Participants included 8 varsity teams all over the world, including theUniversity of Melbourne (Australia), the University of Mumbai (India), MaraUniversity of Technology (Malaysia), Lomonosov Moscow State University(Russia), the University of Belgrade (Serbia), Loughborough University ofTechnology (England), Zhejiang University and Chengdu SportInstitute.

After5 days of fierce combat, Zhejiang University secured a runner-up position. Inthe final game, ZJU tied with Loughborough University of Technology ended inthe overall score but lost the championship with 9 fewer winningsets.

Thischampionship, co-hosted by the Chinese Tennis Association, the MunicipalGovernment of Chengdu City and Tennis Australia, aims at promoting culturalexchanges in Belt & Road countries, adding vigor and color to universitiesand fostering friendship between different universities.


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