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Strengthen International Students' Awareness of Fire Fighting & Jointly Create a Harmonious Campus

Although weather was very cold but Fire has no mercy. In order to letthe students and teachers to know about how to handle fire and let people haveenough ability to rescue himself or other people, we invite our students andstuffs together with the school security department to hold fire drill onNovember16th afternoon.

This drill takes safety knowledge and matters needing attention forcontent. The person in charge of the fire control office of school securitydepartment made a mobilization speech for the fire drill and demonstrated howto use the fire extinguisher.

We let students and teachers use fire extinguishers to put out a fireand it increases the experience for how to handle fire.

Cherish your life and keep away from fire.

This event was very successful. People get valuable experience. But westill need to remember the fire disasters were everywhere. We need to payattention and increase our knowledge to keep our school become safety.


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