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Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital saved an Indian Professor’s Life

Amit Nath is an Indian scholar, who was invited to have academic exchange in Zhejiang University. Unfortunately he felt sick due to the long trip no sooner than he had arrived. What’s more, his life was threatened because of the loss of respiratory drive.
His health condition was getting worse. He had fever a few days ago, but he didn’t pay attention to the symptom and keep travelling until his immune system couldn’t deal with the critical illness. On Nov 1st, he could hardly speak and the accompanier sent him to Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital. The emergency doctor diagnosed severe pneumonia and transferred him to the ICU immediately.
The patient has the symptom of MOF (Multiple Organ Failure), whose death rate is up to 60%.
The hospital gathered the specialists from critical medicine, respiratory diseases and infectious disease to organize a treatment group. They cooperated with each other to make a complete therapy plan, including respiration support, nutrition support and blood purification technology. It was proved that the treatment worked well and the patient was under recovery.
Besides the nutrition specialists designed a diet according to his taste. Amit Nath enjoyed the delicious food with his native flavor.
Now the symptom tends to remain stable and the patient is getting better. Amit Nath and his family appreciated the medical staff’s care.
The attending doctor said that Staphylococcus aureus, which is a normal bacterial parasite, cause the trouble because the patient’s immunity was in decline. He suggested our talents paying more attention to our health. As a Chinese saying goes, a small disease is likely to become serious if not treated in time.


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