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Our top 10 stories of 2018

Happy New Year!

The stats are in, and here areour most popular stories according to traffic rank.

1. Come meet ZJU's robot dog"Jueying"

2. Turing Laureate Whitfield Diffiejoins ZJU as full-time professor

3. ZJU hosts International YouthForum on Belt and Road

4. ZJU pedagogical frontline – VRcourse with Harvard

5. ZJU on the rise

6. First Cultural Festival lands onInternational Campus

7. International students enjoyeye-opening experience at ZJU

8. International students embracethe opportunity of internship at Alibaba

9.YAO Ke: Keeping his eyes on thereal prize

10.Prof. NIE Zhenzhao electedmember of Academia Europaea 2018

The staff of ZJU GlobalCommunications wish the ZJU community a happy and healthy 2019.

Cheers, and here's to the nextyear!

Source: Global Communications


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