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Global Innovation Center set up in Xiaoshan

OnFeb. 28, Hangzhou Municipal Government and Zhejiang University (ZJU) signed anagreement to co-establish the ZJU-Hangzhou Global Scientific andTechnological Innovation Center. In alignment with the provincialinnovation-driven development strategy and ambitious plan on the constructionof Greater Zhejiang Bay Area, the Center is expected to play a key role inbuilding Hangzhou into a globally known innovation hub. As announced at thesigning ceremony, this center will be located in Xiaoshan District, eastpart of Hangzhou.  

YUANJiajun, deputy secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and governorof Zhejiang Province, made his remark at the ceremony. He looked forward toseeing the concerted movement of Hangzhou City and ZJU to create this high-endinnovation platform and believe it will be a critical step to make Hangzhou theCity of Digital Economy.

“Wefirmly believe that with the joint efforts of the City and ZJU, this Centerwill bring fresh impetus to Hangzhou’s plan on a world famous city, whileproviding additional municipal support to ZJU as it is heading to a world-classuniversity,” said ZHOU Jiangyong, secretary of the CPC Hangzhou MunicipalCommittee.

“TheCenter is the product of determination from both the city and institution,which also shows our responsibility for the development of Zhejiang Province.Through interdisciplinary research, high-caliber talent and cutting-edgeinnovation, the University will devote all necessary resources to this Centerand push it into a new driving force for innovation-driven development inZhejiang, and make greater contributions to the fulfillment of the Chinesedream,” WU Zhaohui, president of ZJU added.


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