ZJU teams shine in 1st “Intel Cup” China Postgraduate AI Innovation Competition
2019-11-25 |hufei
OnNovember 24, the grand final of the 1st “Intel Cup” China Postgraduate AIInnovation Competition was concluded in Deqing City, Zhejiang Province.Zhejiang University performed remarkably, clinching a total of six prizes.
Asa pioneering competition in the field of artificial intelligence for Chinesepostgraduate students, China Postgraduate AI Innovation Competition has beenincluded in China Postgraduate Innovation & Practice Competitions. Thiscompetition is themed on “AI Empowering, Innovation Leading” with a view tocultivating innovative and inter-disciplinary high-end talents and providingsupport for the sound development of artificial intelligence in China.
Atotal of 1217 teams from 193 universities across the country signed up for thiscompetition, with 6 First Prize winners, 11 Second Prize winners and 36 ThirdPrize winners. It was organized by Children & Youth Science Centeraffiliated to China Association for Science and Technology and hosted byZhejiang University under the guidance of China Academic Degrees and Graduate EducationDevelopment Center.