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ZJU teams shine in 1st “Intel Cup” China Postgraduate AI Innovation Competition

OnNovember 24, the grand final of the 1st “Intel Cup” China Postgraduate AIInnovation Competition was concluded in Deqing City, Zhejiang Province.Zhejiang University performed remarkably, clinching a total of six prizes.

Asa pioneering competition in the field of artificial intelligence for Chinesepostgraduate students, China Postgraduate AI Innovation Competition has beenincluded in China Postgraduate Innovation & Practice Competitions. Thiscompetition is themed on “AI Empowering, Innovation Leading” with a view tocultivating innovative and inter-disciplinary high-end talents and providingsupport for the sound development of artificial intelligence in China.

Atotal of 1217 teams from 193 universities across the country signed up for thiscompetition, with 6 First Prize winners, 11 Second Prize winners and 36 ThirdPrize winners. It was organized by Children & Youth Science Centeraffiliated to China Association for Science and Technology and hosted byZhejiang University under the guidance of China Academic Degrees and Graduate EducationDevelopment Center.


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