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The 2020 Postgraduate Freshmen Opening Ceremony Was Held Successfully

On the evening of September 12, the 2020 Postgraduate Freshmen Opening Ceremony was held at ZijingangCampus and video sub-venues were set up at Zhoushan Campus and Ningbo Campus.More than 10,000 first-year postgraduate students of the Class of 2020 attendedthis ceremony.

Wu Zhaohui, President of ZJU, congratulatedthe postgraduate freshmen on becoming glorious Zhejiang University students anddelivered a speech entitled "Achieving All-round Development throughExcellent Innovation". He hoped that the students could lead thereformation of innovative content in interdisciplinary studies, and strive tobe the constructer of new subjects and new knowledge.

Academicians of the Chinese Academy ofSciences and senior professors of liberal arts all expressed their wishes andexpectations to the students through videos.

Chen Xuedong, academician of The ChineseAcademy of Engineering, vice President and chief engineer of China MachineryIndustry Group Co., LTD., delivered a speech on behalf of the alumni.


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