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Welcome to ZJU, 2021 New Graduates!

On the evening of Sept. 12, Zhejiang University held the Opening Ceremony on Zijingang Campus to welcome the new graduates.

Zhejiang University Council Chairman REN Shaobo, President WU Zhaohui and other university leaders were present at the ceremony.

President Wu, in his speech entitled striving to be ambitious, backbone and confident young people in the new era, he pointed out that today's young people, as the powerful generation, should continue to become great talents in setting great aspirations, and are showing their majestic upward and surging dream power. He hoped that the students would enhance their ambition to study for the rise of China, live up to their youth and become value leaders in the new journey; Strengthen the backbone of bravely climbing the world's scientific research peak, live up to youth, and become an innovative pioneer in the research of real problems; Strengthen the spirit of heaven will give the great responsibility to the people, live up to the times and become a mission bearer in promoting positive energy.

At the ceremony, ZJU also commended the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Zhejiang University in the year of 2020.


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